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Desk Booking Solutions for Agile Workplaces

Book desks, manage teams, find where your colleagues are working - all made easy with Workspace

Room Booking System

Desk Booking Solutions


We know that workplaces often have different needs for the management of desk booking policies.  With help from our partners we have flexible options from both a software and hardware point of view that can deliver your desired outcomes. 

Workspace by Sign In Workspcae makes it beautifully simple for your team to manage their desk bookings.  Configure your numerous office locations and departments / areas and then create different types of desks you wish to make available for either advanced booking, on-the-spot booking or permanent allocation.

Workspace's mobile responsive interface makes it simple to book your desk on the way into the office and you can also use our QR codes to book and check-in right at the desk. If you need to work with a specific colleague, we have that covered too ensuring you can find where they are sitting and easily grab a desk near them. 

Workspace desk booking solution is extremely simple and quick to deploy.  Like the other solutions in the Sign In Workspace suite, you can use Workspace as a stand alone module giving you complete flexibility. 



Mapiq provides all the controls organisations need to get your employees back to the office in a safe, managed and compliant manner.  It ensures that Facility Managers can configure their workplaces into buildings, floors and areas each with rules for employee social distancing densities.  

Establish connections with colleagues you want to work with so you can see when they're in the office and be able to book a desk or shift near them. 

Use the smart floor map wizard to design your own interactive floor maps and then wrap booking policies around those areas as required.

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